
1st - Shreveport, LA
We formed the 1st Chapter of Brother's Keepers Motorcycle Club in Shreveport, Louisiana U.S.A. in 2003.  Through a lot of research into other firefighter motorcycle clubs, we could not find a club that met the needs of all of us.  So we sat down and created our own club, our own by-laws and met with other motorcycle clubs in the area. Our thing was, we wanted to ride and help give back to our communities but at the same time, having fun doing so.  We have firefighters from all over the Bossier Parish, Caddo Parish, and Desoto Parish areas. Our monthly meeting is held on the 3rd Monday of the month 6:00 PM at Podnah's BBQ - 9030 Mansfield Road, Shreveport, LA.
2nd - Niagara On The Lake
This chapter is currently inactive. If you are from this area, and are interested in learning more about BKMC and possibly re-activating this chapter, please contact Perry McDaniel at
3rd - Pineville, LA
Established 2006 Includes Rapides and surrounding parishes. Was the second Chapter in the U.S. Called the Dirty South Crew because of all of the small towns and rural Fire Depts.
4th - Leesville, LA
5th - Magnolia, AR
6th - Lexington, KY
The 6th chapter of the Brother's Keepers Motorcycle Club was formed in 2009 in Lexington KY, the heart of the bluegrass and the belly of bourbon country. Our membership serves on multiple area fire departments including Lexington, Harrison, Franklin, Scott, Mercer, Madison, Garrard, Bourbon , Clark, Jessamine, Woodford and more surrounding counties. Our annual Burn Run event held the 3rd weekend in May is our primary fundraiser to send Kentucky kids who have been affected by fire to a Burn Camp where they can be themselves among other adolescents that have experienced the same traumatic event. We hope to see you there next year but you can show your support now to our cause by ordering a support t-shirt or challenge coin.
7th - Monroe, LA
Brothers keepers MC 7th Monroe chapter was established in 2010 it is a motorcycle club that consists of paid firefighters, volunteer, retired or anyone in the fire services that love to ride motorcycles, enjoying the camaraderie of riding with our brothers in the fire services We also support and raise money for charities.
8th - Texarkana, TX
We formed in 2010 with Brothers Keepers M/C (BKMC). We are the 8th Chapter, located in Texarkana,Tx. We are firefighters that just enjoy riding our Harley-Davidson's when not on duty or call. The brotherhood of BKMC is great with helping others in a time of need or support. We enjoy the brotherhood with others that are willing to ride an extra mile or two to support a great benefit every year like the "Burn Run " and more. Come on and Let's Ride for true brotherhood with BKMC firefighters that are giving a little extra back.
9th - Baton Rouge, LA
The Baton Rouge Chapter was former in June of 2017. We are comprised of firefighters in Baton Rouge and the surrounding areas, both paid and volunteer, active or retired. We all share a common interest of riding motorcycles, helping the community, and supporting “ Camp Catahoula ” along with other charitable organizations in our area. If you are interested in joining please do not hesitate to contact a chapter officer or member for more info.
10th - Deridder, LA
This chapter is currently inactive. If you are from this area, and are interested in learning more about BKMC and possibly re-activating this chapter, please contact Perry McDaniel at . We will gladly visit with you concerning the requirements for re-activating this chapter.
11th - Jesup, GA
This chapter is currently inactive. If you are from this area, and are interested in learning more about BKMC and possibly re-activating this chapter, please contact Perry McDaniel at
12th - Victoria, Australia
We formed the 12th Chapter of Brother's Keepers Motorcycle Club in Vicotria, Australia in 2012. Through alot of research went into other firefighter motorcycle clubs we choose to become members of the BKMC organization. We found that we liked the direction the group was going and what they stood for. Our thing was, we wanted to ride with no politics and help give back to our communities but at the same time, having fun doing so. We have firefighters from all over the area.
13th - Longview, TX
The 13th Chapter of Brother's Keepers Motorcycle Club was formed in March of 2012 in Longview, Texas USA. We are a family of like minded and dedicated fire fighters with the common goal of having fun, riding our bikes and giving back to the communities in which we live. We believe the direction to the BKMC organization and what the stand for. We are comprised of firefighters from all over the East Texas area. If you are a firefighter (career, volunteer, active or retired), own a cruiser / touring motorcycle, and are interested in riding with a group of riders that share a common interest and the true meaning of camaraderie, then come join the Brother's Keepers Motorcycle Club. Not only is this club an extension of what we do everyday for our community, but it is also a way for us to live a little! If you are interested in becoming a member of our chapter or just want information about us please contact one of the chapter officers and we will be happy to answer your questions. We meet on the first Sunday of each month at 3:00 pm. At our clubhouse located at 2119 FM 450 South Hallsville, TX.
15th - Upper Cumberland, TN
The 15th Chapter of Brothers Keepers MC was formed in 2012, in Crossville, Tn. Which lies on the Cumberland Plateau in Central Tennessee. We are a group of like minded and dedicated firefighters which have come together for a common goal of riding our bikes, giving back to our communities, and helping others in time of need. Each year we are blessed by being able to donate to Camp Discovery, this is a summer camp for disabled children and adults. We also donate to Lucky Red stables, a horse riding camp that help first responders and veterans who suffer from PTSD through horse therapy. We are able to do this through several events we have scheduled throughout the year, such as our Annual Burn Run, and Haunted house. If you are a firefighter (career, volunteer, active or retired), own a cruiser/touring motorcycle, and are interested in earning your way into a brotherhood, then come ride with Brothers Keepers!

Check our Facebook page!

16th - Thibodaux, LA
Brothers Keepers MC Chapter16 was formed in July, 2012. We are a family of bike riding dedicated volunteer or paid fire fighters from 7 different departments in 5 neighboring parishes. We held our first meeting starting the movement for an exciting future together. We serve the common goal of having fun, riding our motorcycles and helping those in need.
17th - Natchitoches, LA
In July of 2012, Brother's Keepers MC (BKMC) Chapter 17 was chartered and the foundation was laid of what would become a dynamic and dedicated group of men and women who share a commitment to the Fire Service and a love of motorcycle riding. Centrally located in Natchitoches, Louisiana (the oldest town in the Louisiana Purchase), our Chapter is comprised of both Professional and Volunteer Firefighters, representing many of the surrounding rural and urban Fire Protection Districts and Departments. The Mission of BKMC 17th is twofold; 1. To undertake fundraising efforts benefitting the Shriners' Hospitals for Children©, a healthcare system that offers high levels of specialized care (burns, orthopedics, and spinal cord injuries) to children at no charge to the families. Our particular focus is on the Shreveport, Louisiana hospital, which was the very first hospital designated in the Shriners' healthcare network in 1922. 2. To provide a unique social outlet for members of the Fire Service in our area who share a passion for riding motorcycles and the camaraderie of the open road. BKMC 17th encourages all Fire Service members who enjoy riding their motorcycle to contact their nearest BKMC Chapter for more information on how to join our international organization.
18th - Tyler, TX
The 18th Chapter of Brothers Keepers MC, was formed in Dec 2012, in Tyler, Tx, USA. As with all Chapters we are comprised of paid, volunteer, and retired firefighters, with a love of riding and spending time with our fellow brothers and sisters. In the short time that we have been formed we have grown to be a family and to have those family values of being able to call on each other when the need arises. We enjoy riding in charity events and giving back to our community just as we have as firefighters,if you would like to ride and be with like minded people, Please contact one of our officers for more information. Interested in joining the Tyler Chapter? Take a moment to fill out an application.
19th - San Luis Valley, CO
The BKMC Chapter 19 was started in the spring of 2013. The chapter was founded by Matt Cordova from Costilla County Fire Department with other members from other fire departments in the San Luis Valley which covers a six county region. The San Luis Valley is in the South Central part of Colorado and is a plateau farming ranching region with an elevation of around 7600 feet. It is also the start of the headwaters for the Rio Grande River.
20th - Temple, TX
Who are we? We are a non profit motorcycle club made up of all firefighters and we love motorcycles. We enjoy getting involved with our local community and businesses. We love to help where we can and ride a lot to raise money for Burn victims, house fire victims and other disasters that may come. If you love to ride and you are a Firefighter then come visit us. We also ask everyone to share our page and add your friends. The more the better and everyone is welcome.
25th - Derby City, KY
The 25th Chapter of the Brothers Keepers Motorcycle Club (BKMC) was formed in Louisville, KY, in February 2014. Louisville is the home of the world famous Kentucky Derby, which is why we decided to name our Chapter the Derby City Chapter. We also ride horses (steel horses). The Derby City Chapter is made up of career, volunteer and industrial firefighters active and retired. We currently have 25 Members and Associate Members. Most of our members primarily serve the Jefferson County area, but we also have members from Oldham and Henry counties in Kentucky and Madison County, Indiana. Fire Departments represented by our Chapter include; Anchorage Middletown Fire & EMS, Clifty 6, Dow Corning, LaGrange, Louisville, Lyndon, North Oldham, Okolona, and South Oldham. The Derby City Chapters purpose is to create an environment where firefighter, who like to ride, can get together for fellowship and fun. Additionally, we host an annual Burn Run event raising proceeds to send kids who have been affected by fire to a Burn Camp where they can be themselves among other adolescents that have experienced the same traumatic event.

Check our Facebook page!

26th - Albemarle, NC
Chapter 26 of the Brother's Keepers MC was started in August of 2014. Located in Albemarle, North Carolina. We are the first chapter in NC and look forward to growing the club here. The club is made up of paid, volunteer, active and retired firefighters. We love to ride as much and as often as we can. We also like giving back to our communities that we serve.
27th - Kanawha Valley, WV
The 27th chapter of Brothers Keepers Firefighter MC and first chapter in WV is the Kanawha Valley chapter formed in July 2014. We are a family of dedicated firefighters that enjoy riding when not on call and giving back to our community. Our club is comprised of both active and retired firefighters. Located in the Kanawha Valley, we have firefighters representing many of the surrounding fire departments. Brothers Keepers Firefighter MC 27th chapter encourages all fire service members who enjoy riding their motorcycles as much as they enjoy being a part of the fire service to contact their nearest Brothers Keepers Firefighter MC chapter for more information on how to join our organization. For more information on Brothers Keepers Firefighter MC 27th chapter or to contact us, please join our Facebook page: Brothers Keepers Firefighter MC 27th Public Page.
28th - Paintsville, KY
The 28th Chapter of Brothers Keepers MC, Paintsville chapter was formed in 2015. We are a group of brother and sister firefighters that enjoy riding as well as sharing in the fellowship of our fellow firefighters. We try our best to support all the charity rides in our area. Our most enjoyable times are Chapter rides and the meals we share. Our annual Burn Run raises money for Camp Ytiliba. Camp Ytiliba is a burn camp for children hosted by Shriner's Hospital for Children in Cincinnati, OH. If you are a Firefighter (career, volunteer, or retired) ride a motorcycle and share the same interest we do, please fill out and application or contact one of our officers for more information!
29th - South Australia
We formed the 29th Chapter of Brother's Keepers Motorcycle Club in South Australia in 2016. Though a lot of research went into other firefighter motorcycle clubs, we chose to become members of the BKMC organization. We found that we liked the direction the group was going and what they stood for. Our thing was, we wanted to ride with no politics and help give back to our communities but at the same time, having fun doing so. We have firefighters from all over the area.
30th - Bryan, TX (Dirty 30)
Brothers Keepers MC Chapter 30 was formed in 2015. We are comprised of dynamic and dedicated paid, volunteer and retired firefighters from Bryan, College Station and surrounding areas of the Brazos Valley who share a commitment to the Fire Service and a love of motorcycle riding. Our primary fundraiser is to send kids who have been affected by fire to a Burn Camp where they can be themselves among other adolescents that have experienced the same traumatic event. We ride cruiser / touring style bikes and if you are interested in joining our organization contact one of the officers and we will get you in the best MC.
31st - Lake Cumberland, KY
This chapter is currently inactive. If you are from this area and are interested in learning more about BKMC and possibly re-activating this chapter, please contact Perry McDaniel at We will gladly visit with you concerning the requirements for re-activating this chapter.
32nd - Center of Kentucky
The Center of KY Chapter was founded in 2015. We started with just 2 members under the Derby City Chapter in Louisville, after losing one of our own. We found the BKMC to be a very close knit family of firefighters and wanted to earn our way to starting a Chapter in the Central Kentucky area. Chapter 32 consists of paid, volunteer, and retired firefighters from Central Kentucky. We support the Children's Burn Camp in Indiana and other needs in the area. If you are a Firefighter (paid, volunteer or retired) ride a cruiser style motorcycle and share the same interest, please click the "Interested In Joining?" link at the top or contact a member for information!

Check our Facebook page!

33rd - Yarra Valley Victoria, Australia
This chapter is currently inactive. If you are from this area, and are interested in learning more about BKMC and possibly re-activating this chapter, please contact Perry McDaniel at
34th - DeQueen, AR
Established in 2017 and located in DeQueen Arkansas. Our goal is help the kids of our community. With the help of our local 4-H club, we started the “Shop with a Biker” program. We provide Christmas for kids of our area by taking them shopping and providing Christmas for them. We also help with community events to try and make our kids and senior citizens life a little better.
37th - Vestaburg, MI
Brothers Keepers Motorcycle Club Chapter 37 was established in April 2016 in Vestaburg, Michigan. We are the first chapter in the state of Michigan. We are all paid on call firefighters and family who enjoy the motorcycle club lifestyle. We enjoy riding in Charity events and helping the community. Since 2018 we have hosted an Annual Burn Run with all Proceeds going to the Great Lakes Burn Camp. If your interested in joining please fill out an application.
38th - Metroplex II, TX
This chapter is currently inactive. If you are from this area, and are interested in learning more about BKMC and possibly re-activating this chapter, please contact Perry McDaniel at
39th - Buchanan Trail, PA
Bucananan Trail Chapter 39 is the first Brothers Keepers Chapter established in the Keystone state of Pennsylvania. We are firefighters and medical personnel who share a love of motorcycle riding and Brotherhood/Sisterhood. We help with in our communities to raise donations for children and their families in times of need. As Firefighters we understand the importance of honoring those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for their Department and the community. BKMC 39 is establishing a Honor Guard Platform Service to assist Fire Departments that wish to honor their fallen members with "one last ride". We understand that a fallen firefighters funeral can be a lot for one department to plan and organize, BKMC 39 will handle the transport and set up of the platform at the service location and the grave side service so that the department can safely load and unload the fallen member with honor. Our platform will have the ability to adjust in height so it will accommodate the different heights of fire apparatus hose beds.
40th - Western Coalfield, KY
The Western Coalfield Chapter was formed in June of 2019. We are comprised of firefighters in Western Coalfield and the surrounding areas, both paid and volunteer, active or retired. We all share a common interest of riding motorcycles, helping the community, and supporting "Charities for Children ” along with other charitable organizations in our area. If you are interested in joining please do not hesitate to contact a chapter officer or member for more info.
42nd - Palo Duro,TX (Roadrunners)
Chapter 42 was formed in 2020 with Brothers Keepers MC. We are the 42nd chapter covering the entire Texas panhandle. We are firefighters that enjoy supporting the community on duty and off. We enjoy the brotherhood with others, that are willing to ride the extra mile or two to support other groups in the community. We like to take every opportunity to attend or be part of all benefits and events that are happening in the Texas panhandle.

Check our Facebook page!

43rd - Colorado Springs, CO
The 43rd Chapter of Brothers Keepers MC, Colorado Springs chapter was formed in 2021. We are a group of brother and sister firefighters that enjoy riding as well as sharing in the fellowship of our fellow firefighters. We try our best to support all the charity rides in our area. Our most enjoyable times are Chapter rides and the meals we share. . If you are a Firefighter (career, volunteer, or retired) ride a motorcycle and share the same interest we do, please fill out and application or contact one of our officers for more information!
44th - Three Springs, TN
The 44th Chapter of the Brothers Keepers Motorcycle Club (BKMC) was formed in Red Boiling Springs, TN in November 2023. We decided to name our chapter Three Springs, because our members are from the Red Boiling Springs, North Springs, and Hermitage Springs areas respectively. The Three Springs Chapter is made up of career and volunteer firefighters active and retired. Our membership serves in multiple areas including Red Boiling Springs, Dodson’s Branch, Celina, Smithville, and more surrounding counties. The Three Springs’ purpose is to create an environment where firefighters, who like to ride, can get together for fellowship and fun. If you are a firefighter (career, volunteer, active or retired), own a cruiser/touring motorcycle, and are interested in riding with a group of riders that share a common interest and the true meaning of camaraderie and brotherhood, then come join the Brother’s Keepers Motorcycle Club.

Check our Facebook page!

45th - Delaware
Established in 2023, Delaware 45 is the 1st Chapter in the first state. We enjoy riding with our brothers and sisters and exploring new areas together. Our membership consists of firefighters from New Castle, Kent, and Sussex counties in Delaware as well as Chester County in Pennsylvania. With a combined 223 years of active career and volunteer service, the original 10 decided we wanted to do more for the communities we serve. Our primary focus will be towards donations to Project Lakeview, Delaware Burn Camp, and Cancer Research. Our meetings will be held on the 1st week of each month. Rotating locations throughout the area we serve.
46th - Highland Rim, TN
The 46th Chapter of Brothers Keepers MC was formed in 2023, in Manchester, TN. which lies in the Eastern Highland Rim area of Central Tennessee. We are a family of firefighters and medical personnel from Nashville to Chattanooga which have come together for our love of riding motorcycles and giving back to our communities. Each year we are honored to support local charities for children such as 5 Loaves 4 Kids and Angel Tree all through fundraising efforts from several events we have throughout the year. If you are interested in riding with a group that share a common interest and the meaning of camaraderie, own a cruiser/touring motorcycle, and are looking to be that little extra help for your community then please contact a chapter officer or member for more info, and we will be happy to answer your questions.

Brother's Keepers MC

1827 Texas Ave.
Shreveport, LA 71103